034 God Knows What He’s Doing

3 Marriage Principles from 3 Marriage's in the Bible

This is the first full week of what I am calling my 2nd “corporate world” retirement 🤣. During COVID I went back to the corporate world while also serving in full time ministry. Now, with COVID as far behind us as it's going to get, I can get back to my pre-COVID life in full time ministry service as a pastor and Christian author. I’m excited about this new chapter and I look forward to sharing more with you and your marriage in 2025.

Here’s 1 thing I’m excited to be able to share heading into 2025. A 5 week LIVE course named, About This Time Next Year. I’m inviting just 25 couples to participate in this course inspired by God’s words and promise to Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18:10. Check out the video - registration information avail next week. 😇 

So with a few more hours on my hands, I’m reading a book for the first time in a few years. I know his recent politics have made John MacArthur somewhat controversial but when it comes to his writing for the Lord there isn’t much controversy.

Here’s a thought - from the introduction of MacArthur’s 2004 book, Called to Lead: Effective Christian resources & wisdom have to be more than corporate or worldly thoughts with a few passages and/or prayers thrown in. It’s taken me 3 days to read the 4 page introduction because MacArthur’s emphasis on the Bible as the best source of Christian insight when it comes to leadership, is exactly my feeling about Christian marriage. The strength of a Christian marriage is Christ and God’s word about Him must be the primary source of wisdom and direction for Christian couples. 

In 2006, when I started as a Christian marriage coach, I was often asked about my credentials. Not too many but there were a few that didn’t want to continue because, I had only been married 3 years had no kids & didn’t have a PhD. I thought I was both funny & satisfying their concerns by saying, “I’m just a minister that spends 4-6 hours a day (life was simpler then) studying God’s word about marriage”.

To my surprise many were interested in my life experiences, philosophies & school education on marriage more than what God’s word says and teaches about marriage 🤔. As I would tell couples in 2006 I still hold today: “When you get a person you only get the best of that person, but if we can look into the Word of God, that’s where we find strength”.

So I am un-apologetical on my reliance on the marriage’s and marriage principles of the Bible. No doubt, the husbands & wives of the Bible have many cultural differences from marriages of today but 2 things they continue to remind us is: 

  1. God has been leading couples in and out of challenges since Adam and Eve. He knows what He is doing.

  2. Your marriage is in the Bible. From communication to intimacy and/or money issues, your marriage story is in there.

Here then are 3 Marriage Principles from 3 Marriage’s (couples) in the Bible:

  1. God is Bi-lingual: Mary was a pregnant virgin. If that makes you scratch your head, imagine Mary’s confusion. So, God sent Gabriel the angel to speak to Mary in a vision, which means she was awake and able to dialogue back and forth until all her questions were answered. Joseph had questions too. So, God sent an angel to him in a dream while he slept. Without input or dialogue from Joseph, that angel explained all he needed to know, Joseph woke up and knew exactly what to do. While it may be that men and women seem to speak different languages at times, God is bilingual. God knows the language of both men and women. Read - Matthew 1:18-24 & Luke 1:26-37 

  2. Keep a Tight Circle: The daughter of Jairus the ruler of the Jewish synagogue died. When Jesus and Jairus arrived at his house, Jesus kicked all the naysayers out of the room until all that remained were, Jesus, Jairus, his wife and faithful believers that prayed. Take inventory are there people in your marriage circle adding negativity but can’t/don’t pray for your marriage? Read - Mark 5:21-43

  3. God is God Even…: Hosea was called by God to marry Gomer a prostitute. It puts into perspective the idea marriage is always about being happy. Surely, finding places of happiness in marriage is important. At that same time we can also be married to difficult situations. Don’t worry, your spouse may be married to a difficult situation too 🙃. Behind Hosea’s difficult marriage was the purpose of God. Be encouraged - God knows what He’s doing. Read - Hosea

Be encouraged. God is bilingual, get rid of naysayers & watch Him do the miraculous, because whether a difficult season or an entirely difficult marriage, God knows what He is doing in and through your relationship. Trust Him. 

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Share your comments and thoughts below. Have a blessed week! See you next Thursday.
